
run off معنى

run off أمثلة على
  • فر, هرب
  • run    n. مجرى, انقضاض, م ...
  • off    adv. جانبا, بعيدا; ...
  • run-off    انتخابات دورة التص ...


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. You see, Shawn Regan ran off with Eddie's wife.
    كما ترى، فقد هرب (شون ريغان) مع زوجة (إدي).
  2. He had to run off to marry you.
    يقولون أيضـاً أنها كانت تحاول دائماً أن تبقيه دون زواج
  3. Shit. I'd run off with them in 20 minutes.
    بإمكاني ان اسبقهم واجعلهم لا يروني لـ 20 دقيقة
  4. Thank you. Hey, fella, I'm gonna run off to...
    قابله إن لم يكن عندك مانع لا على الإطلاق
  5. But a slave who runs off doesn't warrant any prizes.
    لكن العبد الذي يهرب لا يستحق آي جوائز

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. decide (a contest or competition) by a runoff
  2. reproduce by xerography
    مرادفات photocopy, xerox
  3. force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings; "Drive away potential burglars"; "drive away bad thoughts"; "dispel doubts"; "The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers"
    مرادفات chase away, drive out, turn back, drive away, dispel, drive off
  4. leave suddenly and as if in a hurry; "The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas"; "When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out"
    مرادفات run out, bolt, bolt out, beetle off
  5. run off as waste; "The water wastes back into the ocean"
    مرادفات waste
  6. run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe"
    مرادفات abscond, bolt, absquatulate, decamp, go off, make off
  7. run away secretly with one''s beloved; "The young couple eloped and got married in Las Vegas"
    مرادفات elope

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. run into hundreds معنى
  2. run into one another معنى
  3. run lola run معنى
  4. run of luck معنى
  5. run of the mill معنى
  6. run on smth معنى
  7. run one eye over معنى
  8. run out معنى
  9. run over معنى
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